It's All Our Fault?
You probably already know that the rest of the world blames Ireland for Halloween.
In recent decades, our ancient festival of Samhain has been turned into a massive commercial opportunity by people who don't live here.
It's St Patrick's Day all over again!
Worse still, the symbol of the whole thing is the pumpkin. The pumpkin! It's not even native to Ireland. It's an outrage. (Don't get us started on pumpkin spice.)
Well, you won't see us here at BiteSize cashing in on Halloween, we can tell you.
Absolutely not.
Halloween Canapés—Box of 12—€21.00
A delicious selection of handmade spooky canapés topped with Halloween-themed decorations.
Limited edition, so hurry to avoid the horror of missing out and place your order soon, while decoration stocks last. Perfect for any Halloween party, big or small.
Not suitable for trick or treating because you won't be able to stop yourself from scoffing the lot before the neighbourhood kids turn up at your door.
Halloween Platter of 40 Handmade Sweet Canapés—€49.50
This platter will be the centrepiece of your Halloween celebrations. But beware: they are so delicious that the devil himself may turn up on your doorstep. (Happened to us one Halloween, but it turned out to be the taxman. Easy mistake to make.)
Sign of Life
Reducing our footprint
When we asked our café staff for ideas of how we could reduce our footprint, they said, "Wear smaller shoes." Once they had stopped giggling among themselves, they did come up with a suggestion about reducing food waste, a major contributor to emissions.
As you know, we bake from fresh, so you can enjoy fresh treats every day in our cafés. Sometimes this means we overestimate what's needed, and quite a bit of food is left over at the end of the day, canapés especially.
We do what we can with the Too Good to Go app (check that out), but ideally we wouldn't be baking too much to begin with.
In particular, we've noticed that we can cut back on canapés in the cafés on weekends. Don't worry, you'll still be able to get them with your Saturday or Sunday coffee. But rather than on display individually on large trays, you'll be able to get them preboxed: 3, 6 or 12. Turns out, at weekends, most people want to take their canapés home, rather than enjoy them loose in the café.